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5 Tools to Strengthen your Mediumship

mediumship mediumship development psychic medium Oct 15, 2019

Being a medium is a trying journey. It makes you heal relationships, beliefs, past hurts. It makes you put on your big girl panties and deal! 

My mediumship journey has been a wild ride. Some days I feel unstoppable and strongly connected to spirit, other days, I want to hide under my comforter with my eyes closed shut.

Whether you are a seasoned medium with years of experience or you are just coming into this connection you have with spirit, one thing is certain.



We are not indestructible.

We do not have all the answers.

We feel the same negative and positive emotions as anyone else.

and last but not least, when we lose someone we love, it still sucks.



And here you are. Reading this. Still wanting to strengthen your connection to the spirit world and help heal others. I commend you for your strength. 


I felt guided to write this blog because I too, am always looking to find ways that I can deepen my connection to spirit.


For me, the more connected I feel, the more in alignment I am.

When I am connected to spirit, I am more patient, I am kinder to myself and to others, I am focused and driven on my dreams and goals.

Basically, I like me better when i'm with you (Yes, I totally quoted a Lauv song.)

So here you go, my friend.

Here are 5 things that will help strengthen your connection to spirit. 



Before diving into anything else, the most important thing on your mediumship journey is to give yourself a break. Mediumship is not easy. If it was so easy, everyone would be doing it. 

I mean seriously, you are communicating with dead people. That is hard work.

SO Many mediums are so hard on themselves, especially when it comes to evidential mediumship. I was one of these people. When I first started on my journey, I would get in such a pissy mood if I interpreted one thing wrong. I would have a long list of all the confirmed facts that I brought through in a reading but i'd get so tied up on that one piece of evidence that was not correct. 

I was shooting myself in the foot with this tendency.

The more you analyze and knit pick, the lower your vibration gets.

When you are doing this type of work, your vibration needs to be lifted. You need to energetically match with spirit(whose vibration is much higher than ours) in order to connect. Now don't get me wrong, it's okay to go over your work and see where you might have interpreted something wrong. That is what is going to make you a better medium. But honey, do not think for one second that you deserve to scolded for your incorrect interpretation.

You are human. I am human. WE ARE ALL HUMAN. We make mistakes. A LOT OF THEM. Even John F Kennedy Jr. FAILED the BAR Exam twice before eventually passing on his third try. 

Shake it off. Let it go. Move on. Don't attach yourself to any reading and the outcome of it. Just try your best.


We all need a creative outlet. Whether it be for physical, emotional, or mental reasons. Outlets are life way of cutting us a break. Finding something you love will help not only in your mediumship, but in life. Having a place to create or vent, or let out unwanted energy is SO important.

My outlets are writing, hiking, music, and my podcast. These things bring such peace and balance to my life. Writing was something I was always good at, even at a young age. But then life happened. My 20's happened, marriage and children happened, and I lost touch with it. It wasn't until I experience the dark night of the soul did I finally come back to my roots of writing. Putting my thoughts, my wisdom, my knowledge on paper (or in a blog.) helps me better understand the information and also allows me to get to know myself better.

Ask yourself this: what is ONE thing in your life at this moment that is helping you express your creativity?

Is it yoga?

Is it pottery?

Is it doing all the 'DIY' crafts you find one Pinterest?


Figure out your outlet. And if you have one, find another one. 


Okay, okay. I know this one sounds kind of morbid. But honestly, this action is super powerful. I recently became fond of walking around a local cemetery. The fall foliage here in New England is absolutely breathtaking and this particular cemetery is FILLED with all different kinds of trees which make for a great morning walk. 

I'll walk the paved paths at a brisk pace but then I will veer off into the rows of tombstones. I will take my time looking at the graves and tapping into the energy. When I do this, I feel so connected to spirit. I feel like I am visiting an old friend. 

When doing this this exercise, find graves that you are intuitively drawn to. Ask yourself, what was this person like, what was their life like? What was their personality? When doing this, you may even get a spirit communicator come through. Spending time respecting other souls, whether passed or alive shows spirit that you are on their team. That you are worthy of relaying a message.

It's quite simple:

If you want spirit to be there for you, be there for spirit.

If your family and friends are going to freak out at the fact that you walk around in cemeteries, don't tell them. I don't tell anyone I do this for the simple fact that this is MY connection to spirit and everyones connection is different, and personal. Many don't understand, and some are too consumed in fear to understand that whether you are alive or dead - you are still a soul.

My favorite statue at my local cemetery.


When developing your mediumship, you should seek out a mentor, or a teacher. This person should be someone you trust, someone you admire, and someone you can confide in. It is important to learn about mediumship, to grow your toolbox, and learn from mediums that do it differently than you. But PLEASE, don't go with just ONE teacher and think that everything they teach and practice is the way it has to be.

Diversify yourself and allow yourself to be an eternal student. Check out places like The Journey Within Church in NJ, or Omega Institute in Rhineback NY to see what kind of workshops and lectures are going on. There are some incredible teachers out there and I have been lucky enough to learn under them but I take a little bit from each mentor and then form MY OWN connection. MY OWN MEDIUMSHIP.

 If you are interested in grabbing my Mediums Toolbox filled with ton of tips, tools, and exercises to help you strengthen YOUR mediumship, you can do so here.


Many New Age stores or Spiritualist Churches offer Spirit Circles. These are great not just when you are opening up to Spirit but to just be able to connect with other like minded souls. 

There are also virtual circles that are done via online which I absolutely love because who doesn't love connecting to spirit in the comfort of your own home wearing sweatpants and a messy bun?!

If you are interested in checking out my spiritual development circle, you can head on over here to grab more information. 



Also available on Spotify, google Play, and Sticher.







Filled with recommendations for your spiritual journey



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