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Top 3 reasons why I retired from Psychic & Mediumship Readings

Nov 27, 2021
psychic medium

This blog post has been in the back of my mind for awhile. Like always, I went back and forth with the idea of writing this. I know for myself, I roll my eyes when a content creator uses polarity in their headline to get people to listen to a podcast, or read a blog, and then once you consume the information, you end up rolling your eyes and wasting your time because they give you surface level bullshit.


Well, I'm happy to report that I don't stay at the surface level. 


I'm not going to sugarcoat.

I'm not going to say "I was called to by a higher source.."

Nah.. Not for me. 

I'm going to tell you MY truth. 


Here are the reasons why I retired from doing Psychic & Mediumship readings.


In the past four years of offering readings both in person for a hot minute and online, I have come across more unethical, unprofessional readers than good ones. I have seen people use polarity, fear, and deceased celebrities to up their follower count and gain attention. I have also witnessed readers who are incredibly underdeveloped and uneducated offer professional readings.

Now, I LOVE being a Psychic Medium. I love being able to read energy, to connect with those that have crossed over, to trust my intuition, and to use these extra sensitive traits to my advantage.. but I HATE being put in the box labeled 'Psychic Mediums.'

When I first stumbled upon this work, I realized that these abilities were so special. They can bring you closer to your soul, they can assist in your healing, they can give people the opportunity to see that the answers they seek have always been within them, and that they are a soul having a crazy human experience.

I never wanted to give people the answers, I wanted to give them the tools. 

I never wanted to resort to using deceased celebrities in order to spread my message and get people to book readings.

I never wanted to do "collective readings" that were very general and anyone can claim.

All I ever wanted was to help people see the magic inside of them.

I want to inspire people. 

I want to raise the collective vibration.

and I don't need to offer readings to do that.


Now, let me prefice this by stating that this all depends on your intentions. If you enjoy 1:1 readings and you feel fulfilled every time you connect with a client, then by all means this stream of revenue is great for you! So long as you are happy and satisfied, keep doing it!

But my intentions have always been to create passive revenue streams, low cost classes and workshops, and offer long term 6-12 month 1:1 programs at higher ticket prices.

When you are an online business, most of your energy and time is spent on content creation. Whether it is creating TikTok videos, podcasts, blog posts, YouTube videos, the bulk of your job is creating FREE content on the internet in hopes that people will book your services and buy your products.



I sat down and figured out how much time per week I spend on creating free content on the internet. This includes videos, blogs, creating graphics, podcasts, anything that I DO NOT charge for.

Then I figured out how many readings per week I averaged.

I then said 'okay...I have to create this many hours of content each week to average this many readings per month.'

I then added the time prior to readings where I sit in the power prior to connecting with my client.

I then realized that to make 1:1 readings worth my time and energy, I would have to double my price and I was already charging $250 per hour.

Once you begin to see the content creation you must maintain in order to HOPEFULLY average that number of readings per week, you will begin to see that you are most likely not charging enough for your 1:1 services. 

Whether you are selling a $250 1:1 reading,

OR a 12 Week Coaching/Mentoring program for $3,000, 

You still have to create free content online to market your services.


For me, I like creating and nurturing relationships with my clients. I want them to be as committed as I am to my growth and my business. I want them to be ALL IN. Offering one time readings with no contract, and no commitment to booking another session wasn't the structure that was going to get me to the result that I wanted and it wasn't going to allow me to scale my business.

3. Being a Psychic Medium is who I am, it is not what I do.

You do not need to offer readings if you are a Psychic Medium. Boom. I said it. Some of the most intuitive and mediumistic people I know don't offer readings. They don't even claim to be Psychics or Mediums. 

My intuition has never been something I wanted to use to tell people if there boyfriend is their twin flame.. or what their life purpose is. I never wanted to tell people what they wanted to here - I want to tell them what they NEED to hear in order to become the next level version of themselves.

I use my intuition to help people build and scale their businesses and to make money. I use my intuition to sit in my clients energy and visualize their big vision and help them believe in themselves to make it come true. 

Your intuition is yours. You can use it how you want to use it so long as its ethical. If you don't want to offer readings, you don't have to. Use your connection for your own personal and spiritual growth. Allow it to open doors for you, allow it to help you connect deeper to yourself and to others. There is no rule that you need to offer readings if you decide to develop your psychic and mediumship abilities. 



You are badass,

You are intuitive,

And you are really pretty.


LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: Intuitive Souls Podcast




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