The Money Blog

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Someone bashed me on the internet. healing inner work self image self love triggers Jul 10, 2020


I'm not quite sure how to start this blog post. Because honestly, it is sharing a side of me that leaves me feeling vulnerable. But I know I am meant to share this, and I know that my story...

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A thank you to everyone who has wronged me. embracing your shadow personal development self love shadow work spiritual growth trauma May 13, 2020



Thank you to the kid in my 7th grade class that made up a nasty rumor about me and then proceeded to tell all of the popular kids about it. The rumor and commotion around it got so...

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5 ways to tap into feminine energy. feminine feminine energy orgasm self care self love Jun 17, 2019

We have been brought up in a world where feminine energy was the weaker one. A world where a strong women is labeled as a tight ass or a bitch. A women who embraces her sensuality is labeled loose...

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