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Am I Psychic? Develop Your Psychic Abilities Now

psychic development Jul 04, 2022


Nowadays, nearly everyone knows someone who claims to be a psychic, and it may make you wonder, "Am I Psychic?" 


Have you ever had weird coincidental moments that made you question if you're crazy? Or, if there are moments where you are hearing or seeing things that aren't physically there, you could be a psychic.


Being psychic is nothing to be afraid of. It implies that we are closer than we ever imagined and care more about each other's experiences. You'll experience that connection more intensely if you respect your psychic powers.


This guide will help you discover and develop your psychic abilities! 


What does psychic mean?

The term psychic involves or refers to abilities or occurrences that seem to defy the laws of nature, especially those that involve telepathy or clairvoyance.


Where does the word psychic come from?

The term "psychic" references in part to the human mind or psyche and is derived from the Greek word psychikos, which means "of the mind" or "mental." The Greek term also translates as "soul." The human soul was revered in Greek mythology by the young woman Psyche.


Am I psychic? 4 signs that you might be psychic:


  • More insightful when relaxed -



Have you ever heard of someone "seeing" the answer to a problem out of the blue while unwinding and not actively using their brains?


For instance, you might suddenly have answers to problems at work while lying in bed. You might receive the same information while meditating.


According to studies, these behaviors alter the brain's wave activity, frequently leading the frontal lobe to become silent. When not paying attention to them, psychic skills can lurk in plain sight.



  • You perceive people differently -



People are seen differently by psychics. This is frequently due to synesthesia, a disorder in which the senses are switched.


Have you ever met someone with whom you immediately connected to a color, a flower, or a scene? Or if you have ever seen someone being surrounded by musical notes? You might be a psychic. 



  • Your gut has saved you -



People are seen differently by psychics. This is frequently due to synesthesia, a disorder in which the senses are switched.


Have you ever met someone with whom you immediately connected to a color, a flower, or a scene? Or if you have ever seen someone being surrounded by musical notes? You might be a psychic. 



  • Your dreams surprisingly become reality -



If you've ever had a dream that showed you the precise location of something you lost, and when you checked it, it was there- this might be more than a coincidence.  


These happenings and visions—these "synchronicities" or "meaningful coincidences"—show your psychical in tune with the cosmos.


It is crucial to be aware of them and avoid brushing them off because they frequently encourage deeper connections between us & our abilities. They, on some occasions, could keep us out of harm's way.


Am I psychic?

Psychic abilities explained:


Claircognizance is the capacity to have complete confidence in something while having no valid explanation for it. Some refer to it as their "gut instinct."


You most likely possess this skill if you've ever believed that your gut instincts rarely steer you on the wrong route.


Meditation and using crystals to increase concentration can improve your claircognizance. You'll perceive more knowledge the more time you put inwardly focusing.


The capacity to restore a person's energy is the fundamental element of this psychic action. In contemporary society, it is frequently utilized as complementary medicine.


The method is frequently called  Reiki in Japan, which is regarded as a cutting-edge method of spiritual healing.


Only seasoned psychic readers with abundant life force flowing through their bodies should do the process.


Clairsentience is the psychic power to detect the fragrance of locations or occasions you have never been to before.


Few individuals know how to use this "sixth sense" because it is not a common ability.


Most persons with this skill only need to visualize a location, an individual, or an item to detect its aroma.


Try to recollect an instance or circumstance where you've unintentionally detected an aroma or scent that doesn't fit with the surroundings to see if you possess this skill.


You must focus on the location in your mind and silently concentrate while meditating on it to heighten this sense.



The majority of psychics (as well as scientists!) think that each person has an aura. An energetic field that emulates from ones physical body.


A person's aura, represented by different colors, is their energy and can be seen, read, or sensed by those with particular abilities.


Although most of us cannot see auras, certain gifted people can distinguish between people, particularly family members, based on their auras. This is possible since most aura readers can also discern a person's aura's hue.


By analyzing and reading someone's aura, truly skilled readers can determine that person's personality.


You've likely seen movies with characters who have "powers" equivalent to clairvoyance.


Visions can be seen through clairvoyance. In other ways, identifying whether you possess this gift or not is more straightforward than others.


You may have this ability if your subconscious mind is aware of details, events, or facts that you would have had no means of understanding absent the visions.



A strong out-of-body experience called astral projection gives a person the impression that their spirit is free to roam without the body.


Experts regard this as a form of telepathy.

Am I Psychic?

How to develop your psychic abilities



  • Stay healthy-



Our body is our temple when it pertains to psychic energy.


The first step to using your psychic abilities is maintaining a healthy body.


Do not forget that you don't have to work out excessively. 


Stick to what is comfortable for you and pay attention to your body. Exercise also includes daily walks, yoga, and easy stretches.



  • Comfortable surroundings-



It would be nearly impossible to develop your intuition in a place or setting where you feel uncomfortable.


Make a comfortable environment where you can work on your psychic abilities, concentrate on using your intuition, or communicate with the spiritual realm.



  • Channel with external objects-



When using their psychic skills, many psychic readers utilize external objects to help them focus and stay grounded.


You can also utilize extra items like jewelry, clothing, or crystals when meditating.


Psychometry is the term used to describe the act of touching something to sense its energy.



  • Say goodbye to negative energy-



It's time to get over any baggage from your past if you wish to use your psychic abilities.


Grudges must be healed, primarily if held against a close friend or family member, as they can prevent your spirit from correctly perceiving events, dreams, or emotions.



  • Mindful meditations-



You need to slow down by meditating mindfully to become one with your psychic skills.


Make an effort not to feel overwhelmed by the elements of life. Spend a few minutes each day sitting quietly and soaking up the vitality of nature.


You will feel your body letting go of stress and negativity as you actively meditate.



  • Chat with an experienced psychic-



You may find it helpful to chat with a seasoned psychic and receive a psychic reading yourself if you're having trouble fully developing your psychic abilities.


A skilled psychic may be able to pinpoint what's preventing you from realizing your potential, even though you may be confident in your capacity to see things that others do not. 


Ready to begin developing your psychic centers and gifts?

Grab your free copy of my Psychic Starter Kit today!



FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK: @ericawrusso

LISTEN TO THE PODCAST: Intuitive Souls Podcast






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